Sunday, January 31, 2010


So the only major event since my last post was yesterday. Yesterday I went to a pre-release party for Worldwake, the next edition of Magic cards. Overall I had an awesome time, I built what actually wasn't a bad deck, unless I was playing against Black. Needless to say 4 of my 6 opponents were playing black, but I manged to win one round, and a total of 4 games. I was having so much fun though, I didn't realize I had been there for 8 hours until they said they were closing the shop. And I didn't come in last either, I came in 29th out of 37. That isn't bad for someone still relatively new to the game.

So as to the title it was just kinda a revelation I had while talking with John today. I actually don't really have a life yet. It was kinda sad, but it was kinda alright too because John doesn't have one either. Neither of us are employed, have girlfriends, or are in school. We have so much free time we get bored because we've done everything in/around the house at least twice that day already.

It's alright to be lifeless right now, it's not entirely our own fault that there are no jobs for us. But it kinda sucks that there isn't anything that we absolutely have to do either. We both are just hoping that it changes eventually.


Anonymous said...

nice article. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Ben said...

I don't have a twitter.

I find it to hard to reduce what I have to say into one or two sentences.