Friday, January 22, 2010

Fantasmical land of idealism

Since the last time I posted my life has been blurred.

Mom and Dad came up on Thursday of last week and left on Tuesday. They were here to work with aunt Laura on a website/charity design for their new project in Africa (If you haven't heard click HERE). It was great to see them again, but it felt kind of weird too. Its been almost 3 months since I heard their voices, and it kept freaking me out. I thought I was going insane, hearing people who weren't there. Mom and Dad had a good time though. Friday we went out for Ethiopian, Saturday we went to Ikea in the morning, and out to Phil's in the evening, I'll tell you about Sunday in a minute, Monday I took them out for Bubble tea. They got to see the R.O.M. (Royal Ontario Museum). Overall they did quite a bit of stuff. I am glad they came, I think it was good for us all.

Sunday is actually the reason for the title. On Sunday we all went to the Imax theater to see Avatar in 3D. The screen was 6 stories high, and the volume was actually at a level that was not too hard on my ears. And Avatar is the best movie I've seen since the Dark Knight came out. The 3D, the story, the animation, the characters, it was all so beautiful and believable. If I had the money I would go see it again and again until they took it out of the theaters. But alas I do not have the funds or the time to do such a carefree and frivolous thing. Avatar will be my first DVD purchase for my own library though, I guarantee it. There is a down side to all this though, and I think RoosterTeeth can sum up how I feel the best. (YOU HAVE TO CLICK THIS OR THE REST OF THE BLOG WON'T MAKE SENSE!!!!)
Now to understand what is going on, they just finished a series of comics depicting Nathan (The tall person) as such an Avatar fan that he painted himself blue and was learning Na'Vi. In the comic right before this one they had finally rehabilitated him, and he had gone back to normal.
This is best and most accurate description of any video game based on a movie, and is exactly how I feel about Avatar. I've been searching for pirated sound tracks, fantasizing, dreaming, anything that puts me back on Pandora. The movie was so spectacular I hope for, and yet loath the idea of a sequel. I hope for it because Avatar was such a wonderful movie. But I worry because it is entirely possible the the sequel will turn out like the ones to The Matrix, or Pirates of the Caribbean, that the sequel ruins the magic that captured me in the first one. But, if worst comes to worst, I'll do what I did with the Matrix (and should've done with the pirates), and I'll let everybody see it first. And if they say it was bad and it ruined everything then I'll never watch it.

On a side note I've had Rise Against: Hero of war stuck in my head. (Click) What do you think?


Andy Rayner said...

It was good to see you Son. We had a great time.
You have a spam comment to delete here too I see)

Ben said...

I dunno how/why anyone finds a blog that's been inactive for a year to spam. Seems like a waste of time.