Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Abortions are Bad

It seems in a society where "freedom of speech" is law, we are rather negligent in using it. Most Canadian media portrays my topic as a closed issue, a defeated enemy. Allegedly, we are unanimous in our opinions; no longer do we debate it or discuss it, and the case is closed. It is abortion, a topic thought of as done and dead but which is still screaming for an answer. In a survey published in the National Post, one third of all Canadians are for abortion on demand, one-third demand absolute prohibition of it and one third are suggesting that the laws more thoroughly regulate it. Right there we see that there is a problem shown in results, because that means that only one third of Canadians support the current law.[1]
For the record, I stand against abortion in any form. In my opinion, every abortion kills one person who could have been the next Einstein, Bach, or Michelangelo. Nevertheless, according to Canada's census figures, doctors have been aborting approximately 100,000 babies annually for twenty years and according to the census, that rate is increasing![2] That is two million people from one generation just casually destroyed, and millions more destined to follow. That is in Canada alone, according to an article in Creation, worldwide doctors abort 25% of all unborn children, and that tallies to a whopping 50 million abortions every year![3] To put that into perspective, in Incredible comparisons, WWI killed an estimated 8.5 million in battle, WWII killed 16 million in battle, famine in China killed 30 million, black plague killed an estimated 75 million people![4] In 2.5 years, we kill more unborn people than people who died in wars, famine, and disease!
This is all fine and dandy unless you do not think of an abortion as a death, then this argument is rather pathetic. However, there are large physical and mental problems caused by abortions. The physical health risks range from higher risks of premature births to complete infertility. Those are minor, though, compared to things like chronic pelvic infection and breast cancer. An abortion does not cause breast cancer, however studies have shown that from a single abortion the risk of getting breast cancer increases by approximately thirty percent! This number increases exponentially with each subsequent abortion. In addition, later when finally that woman decides to have children, studies have shown that with one abortion the risk of premature delivery increases to thirty percent, and up to ninety percent with two![5]
Let us not down play the mental risks either. Studies performed on three continents showed a link between abortions and increased risks of depression, self-harm, and suicide.[6] One study proved that a woman who had an abortion was 63% more likely to receive mental care within two months of her abortion compared to a woman who did not have one.[7] Moreover, a woman who had an abortion was likely to have long-term depression problems. In conclusion, abortions have proven to have long reaching consequences ranging from cancer to mental instability. Abortions should stop either altogether or at least have the health risks publicized because people have a right to know.
[1] Western Standard June 4, 2007. p14
[2]Western Standard April 9, 2007. p14
[3]Creation 28(1) December 2005-February 2006. p21 last paragraph
[4]Russell Ash, Incredible Comparisons. 1996. p30.
[5]Diseases, and numbers from