So while I've been in Toronto I go to learn a game I've wanted to learn for years, Magic the Gathering.
It's a card game, not dissimilar to YuGiOh, or Pokemon, but much more complicated and way more fun. When I say complicated though I am more referring to actual sequence of events that transpire when the game is played. The rules themselves are quite simple, but the cards can be quite complicated. How can the cards be complicated?The Golden Rule in magic is that " When a card contradicts the rulebook, the card wins." An example is that you can't attack with a monster you have just summoned on to the battlefield, you
have to wait one turn to attack. The are monster cards that have the ability "Haste", which allows you to attack with the monster the same turn you summoned it. Like I said, the cards are complicated.
Apparently Uncle Roddie and aunt laura used to play back when it first came out, but they haven't been playing since 1995 (maybe 96, they can't remember) and because they haven't played in so long a few of the cards are actually rare and worth something (50-70 $ for the major ones), it was cool to find out I was playing with and against some of these hard to get and expensive cards.
I have a screen shot from the official FAQ on the Magic the Gathering website, I thought it was kind of enlightening, and rather funny.

And if you can't read it here is what it says.
"Q: Is Magic evil?
A: No. Magic is no more evil than Scrabble, Chess, or any other game. There is the occasional person who believes Magic is some sort of "gateway to the occult", (either because they want to denounce it or because they want to try to use it as such) but they're generally nutcases of some description who have difficulty separating "real life" from "pretend". Playing Magic will no more invoke the occult than reading Treasure Island will cause pirates to spring to life in your house or watching Godzilla movies will cause a giant radioactive monster to level Tokyo."
If you don't believe that this quote is actually from the FAQs, click this link, in the table of contents look under "General questions about Magic", then find "Is Magic evil?"
I think it's funny when the FAQ has to explain to people that it is just a card game.
It's not the best Manuel that I've ever read, but it is in my top 5 now.