I GRADUATED! I got my Biblical Studies Certificate from MCC, I’ve finished my first year at college.
It’s been an amazing year, learning how to be on my own, meeting new people, making new friends who share what I believe and what I’m passionate about, and deepening my knowledge understanding of God. I am so thankful for being able to take this year to learn my faith, and here I will thank everyone by name (In no particular order) that helped me make it through.
John MacDonald – I thank you for your opinions, when I needed my view challenged you gave me a new perspective, another angle to judge something by. I thank you for your diverse tastes in everything, and I thank you for introducing me to Red Bull.
Darrell Haines – I thank you for your inconsistency. When I needed a laugh you were there with the “right” comment to make. I also thank you for your personal advice, and for showing me that its OK I don’t have to worry.
Vincent Arsenault – I thank you for showing me “It’s not so bad”. I also thank you for your realism when I needed it. I also have you to thank for getting me into the foosball playoffs, coming in when I need some stress relief or a break and asking if I want to play a game.
Jason McVicar – I thank you for your perspective. When I asked, or even simply brought up a subject you would show me the facts about what your stance was. You also helped to dispel some of the fear I have when I teach anybody about God, if I end up going into ministry it’ll be your fault. I also thank you for giving me a simple workout routine that I can actually stick to, and for introducing me to Utopia.
James Stevenson – I thank you for toughening me up. I always prayed for patience and God answered me. You helped me learn to laugh things off, no matter how severe they sound. I also thank you for when you presented your serious side. It showed me that it’s possible to live through this world and retain your own views and your faith.
Robbie Sevilla – I thank you for your advice, it helped me shape the way I do things. I also thank you for giving me chances to try things that I never thought I could do, and showing me that I can succeed. I also thank you for your sense of humour.
Simon Macintyre – I thank you for showing me that it’s possible to live off a diet of pure salt. I also thank you for showing me that I don’t have to be good at everything, just good at what I do.
I wish everyone well over the summer, I will miss you all.