Saturday, June 20, 2009


Ya, I haven’t blogged in a while. My explanation is that I’ve started to feel like I’m being beaten with a stick. I work at least 8 hours, 6 days a week, and Sunday isn’t entirely a day off. It has given me a wonderful insight in to why dad loves the sand dune islands so much though. You feel so burned out by fishing, that you don’t want to do anything. Blog, e-mail, facebook, or dealing with anybody takes all of the life out of you and you just want to be somewhere with no social obligations.

I’m already sketching out plans for a “me” trip somewhere on those dunes. The rough plan is to kayak alone out to the island and camp there for 2/3 days. It’ll be the first actual alone time I’ve gotten since being home. Some people would think I’m crazy, but most of those are the technologically dependent & or socially extroverted people. I don’t fall into the latter category, although I do find it enjoyable being around people is very draining for me. As for the former category, I think I’ve proved by not updating the blog these last couple of weeks that I am undependent on the electronic social network of today. If the blog doesn’t convince you, then look at my facebook profile, it hasn’t been updated in the last few weeks either.

Monday, June 1, 2009

"Beutiful" 20 Knot day

Today was a fun day on the boat. We logged in a 10 hour day, it was rough, raining, and windy (My definition of rough by the way is when you can’t see anything but the aerials of another boat when you are at the crest of the wave and they are in the trough). A long day or a rough day, are stressful enough by themselves. When combined they create an exhausting day.

It was great to see how far I’ve come in my fishing though. In my second year we were out on a day not as bad as this one, I was rather vocal about how we should be at home waiting the storm out. The day similar to this in year three I had a bad attitude, but I didn’t vocalize my thoughts. Year six (this year) its just another day, I don’t complain, I kept a positive attitude, and when the traps fell off the washboard I put them back on and kept going. It’s shown me how far I’ve come in the last five years.

I’m still tired, I guess that hasn’t changed. What’s to be expected though, even dad was exhausted after today and he’s been doing it longer than I’ve been alive. I’m hoping tomorrow will either be nicer, or will be so bad that we can’t leave the harbour.