Saturday, December 16, 2006
A new angle on Chistmas
This unusual occurrence stems from Christmas last year. Dad was trying to find a sermon he could preach on Sunday (Christmas day) about Christmas that no one had heard before. Of course it seemed totally random when dad burst out of the office on Saturday, asking for a red dragon. Being familiar with a certain kind of Lego featuring dragons I just so happened to have one. Dad selected a smaller one and put it in the nativity set and took my bigger one and put it in his room. When mom asked what the dragon was doing in the nativity set dad said you'll see tomorrow.
On Sunday dad gave an excellent sermon from Revelation on how the devil portrayed as a red dragon (Rev 12) was there too. Unfortunately my dragon only had one head instead of seven but the message came across just fine.
This year dad gave the same sermon in a different way. By having the kids hold his illustrations it made for a somewhat jerky process (the unpredictability of the kids) but got the message across.And once again dad put the dragon in our nativity set. I think he'll put one there every year for the rest of his life. You know what? I think I will too.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Winter 2
Sunday, November 26, 2006

I've been thinking of what a wonderful place I live in. Not everyone has seen snow and a lot probably never will. I can't understand why God made the different seasons, but I can look around and see that he made each one with as much beauty as the last. Not many people seem to like winter (Dad says I'll find out when I have bills to pay) but right now I do. Seeing the world in a blanket of white with evergreens pointing out from underneath makes me I think of what a beautiful time of year it is.
Of course snow also has its miscellaneous purposes. Like cancelling school, making snowmen, snow forts, snow angels, and snowball, that starts the snow war, that no one will admit to throwing, .
I love winter.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Global Domination (I Mean Warming)

I've seen many debates on the subject and read much material on the topic myself. I've found most of the material fell into an odd yet revealing pattern. The pattern I found is that material that came from or was related to the media fell most often into the category of global warming=problem. Most of the stuff that wasn't related to the mass media fell into the category of global warming=myth. Interesting eh?
I'll share some of the interesting facts I've found through out my readings. The first thing I find interesting is that a large portion of scientist don't even believe global warming is a problem. I forget the exact numbers but they were around 60% not believing it a problem, 25% believing it a problem, 15% saying there isn't enough data to draw a conclusion. (I guess we know which group has the loudest mouths.) What I find weird is that they can manipulate the government into stupid things! I read in Readers Digest an article about the challenge the government took on to "reduce" our greenhouse gas emissions. The basic facts it pointed out was that even if we stopped all our greenhouse gas emissions we still wouldn't meet the challenge. Now why would our government agree to do something it couldn't do? I don't really understand the political brain, but I think I can tell it's overdue for a check up.
Another fact the media hides is that study's show that the earth was actually warmer in the past. I saw a chart which showed the average temperature increase over a 20 year period (1978-1998). The first 5 years showed an average increase in temperature of 0.1 degrees. Don’t be alarmed though because the next 15 years showed an average decrease of 0.1 degrees. It sounds like it was warmer in
Food for thought.